Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Helen Keller

So I've been doing this project on Helen Keller for one of my classes...it's nothing new, because I've always been fascinated by her. But I seem to learn something interesting every time, so here's what I got this time.

Even though Helen was blind and deaf - living in a world of complete darkness and silence - she still had passion for certain things in life. She was a radical socialist, pacifist, and birth control supporter. She chose things that I may not support myself, but the things she did choose to follow and support were things that she certainly voiced her opinion about. It amazes me how she could have such a passion for life and the things of the world when she had such a "blind" sense of the world she lived in.

Then I thought...maybe it was her blindness that caused her to be so brave. She couldn't visually see the shocked faces of those who heard her speak on certain issues. She couldn't exactly hear the words they were saying as she walked by. Did this give her bravery? Really, if she wanted to, she could totally tune out the world. Interesting.

How would I change my life and the way I live for my Savior if I chose to tune out the faces and voices of those who oppose Him? Would I be more passionate? Would I be less concerned of others' opinions? Just an interesting thought...

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome thought, Lilli.
    Thanks for sharing. (:
