Saturday, February 27, 2010

Buckets of snow

Due to the mass amount of snow we got from Wednesday night until early this morning (about two feet of it here on top of the mountain), the Premarital Seminar was canceled. I was really disappointed because we were really looking forward to it, and it took a lot of effort to clear this weekend...but obviously God has other plans. Thankfully the roads were passable enough yesterday afternoon that Steve came up to school and whisked me off to a friend's house for the evening. We had a great time having dinner with them, watching "The Man from Snowy River", and playing some MarioKart. Since we took off work for the weekend anyways, we're going to simply use the free time we have to spend it with each other. Today we're probably going to head out to Wilkes-Barre, provided the roads are clear. Tonight James and Lynelle invited us over along with Tim and Becky for dinner, fun, and possibly volleyball. Should be a great day.

Another plus about this weekend being freed up is that I've already gotten a lot of homework done. My Proverbs class is finishing up next week, so I was able to wrap up a few of the little things so that all I have to do is a final paper and take the exam. Then I'll be down to 17 CREDITS for the rest of the semester! I'm so excited. This whole 20-credit business is NOT fun.

Well, I'd better clean the bathroom before Steve picks me up. Have a great day, whether you are covered in snow like we are or enjoying warmer weather!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

T-minus 71 days

We had our "Senior Salute" today - basically a day-long thing where we pick up our cap and gown, they check our credits to make sure we can actually graduate, and we visited booths for class rings and such. If I didn't have senioritis before, I sure have it now! With my gown hanging in my closet and a BBC alumni glass sitting on my desk...I'm just itching to walk down the aisle and get my diploma. Oh well...I'm trying really hard to be content with where I am and enjoy my last semester, because I know I'll miss it terribly when I'm done.

Update #1: Mom and Dad gave me a $2,000 check to help with my school bill. The standing total for this semester was about $3,300, which meant I would be paying a staggering $800 a month to get it done. Ouch. But with the $2,000 check and my contribution of $800 last month, I only have just under $600 left to pay! THAT means that I can take an extra day off work every week (so that I'm working 27 hours instead of 32) to get homework done. HALLELUJAH. I can't even express how thankful I was for this amazing provision.

Update #2: I now have a place to live for the summer (or however long I need it)! A friend of mine who goes to my church out here is renting a house all to herself - it's two stories, three bedrooms, one bathroom, a nice kitchen, living room, porch, and garage...all for $450 a month plus electric! She has the master bedroom on the main floor, so basically I have the upstairs (two bedrooms and a large hallway closet) to myself. The house is completely furnished, so I wouldn't have to buy a single piece of furniture. She checked with her landlords and they are totally okay with me moving in after graduation, so we will split the rent at $225 each plus electric. Dang, that's cheap. God seriously provided in that area!

Update #3: This weekend Steve and I are going to a Premarital Seminar that the school is putting on for any couple considering getting married. I'm really excited about it, and I truly believe that is the direction God is taking us. It will be awesome to simply get a weekend to spend together, talking about future opportunities and finding out how we can better serve each other. Tomorrow marks our fifth month together as a dating couple, although we've known each other for a full year now. I'm SO thankful God has placed this amazing man in my life...I love him so much, and I can't wait to see what God does in our relationship.

To summarize all of this, I will simply say: GOD IS AMAZING. His grace, provision, and sovereignty continue to put me in a state of awe every day. Entering into this school year, and even this semester, I wasn't sure how things were going to work out. I knew that He would make things happen somehow, but I just couldn't see the possibilities. It is always so interesting for me to see the specific ways in which He carries out His promises to us.

With all this in mind, please keep me in prayer - graduating and beginning my "adult" life is a scary step, but I'm really excited about it. Pray that I would remain in the Word and truly desire whatever God has planned for my life.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

On Selfishness

Tears slid off my face and fell into a mediocre puddle on the top of my dresser as I hunched over it and wept. A spiritual kick in the butt from a brother in Christ is almost always well-intended and beneficial, but rarely is it enjoyable and painless. Once again I was convicted of the greatest crime of Christianity - pride and selfishness, the root of all things anti-God. It is amazing how God uses the Body of Christ to build you up, even though the building-up process can only come once you have torn down the old structure of sin nature.

What is it this time, you ask? Well, I think it goes something like this - I had been focusing on the minute details of life, the little things that made me happy, instead of keeping God's overall desire and plan in view. I let myself get wrapped up in the daily pleasures that I thought would "keep me going", then I realized that I was pushing away the only One who could actually fulfill that role. I failed to remember that every day was a gift, that I should spend it thinking of ways to better serve Him in the long run even if today is my last. Why do I get so upset over work, not being able to spend time with my boyfriend, money situations, homework...when all of these are so small compared to what His ultimate plan is. Now, I don't mean that we all have to live in a way that is disappointing and a neverending weariness...but I do mean that we must live with His ultimate plan in mind, and operate with total submission and obedience to that plan.

Wow, it's hard. Especially being a girl, it's so difficult to not let my emotions get the best of me, particularly when I am tired (yep, I just stereotyped myself. Woohoo.)But that is exactly why God has placed people in my life to help me realize my faults and refocus on Who and What is actually more important. Thank you to all of you who have (and continue to) fulfill that role of encourager and exhorter in my life. May God somehow be glorified in my faulty attempt at being an obedient, willing child.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Prayer at Caravia's

As some of you know, I am quite privileged to have a well-paid and stable job at Caravia Fresh Food here in Clarks Summit. God has thoroughly blessed me with this job, and it's definitely helping me pay the enormous school bills...especially this year. My boss is very gracious in giving me raises, days off when I'm sick, and being willing to work around my ridiculous school schedule. God has been greatly providing for me in the area of work.

The unfortunate part of this job is that on a daily basis I have to deal with rich people who think they are the top of the food chain. Yep, that's irritating. I am daily reminded of my depravity as I try my hardest not to be bitter towards their stuck-up attitudes. Today I was dwelling on how bothered I was that some customers hardly acknowledge me. I am required to meet each customer with a cheery smile and, "Hi, how are you? What can I get you?" You know, just to establish a false, pleasant relationship for the next 5 minutes we have to be together. Generally I get a smile and greeting in return, but other times I get this, "Hey, gimme one of those..." or "I would like this..." They completely jump into business, barely acknowledging my friendliness. All they want is my usefulness, which makes sense...but their briskness still smarts sometimes.

As I dwelt on this irritation of mine, that these stuck-up people would so easily talk AT me but not necessarily TO me, I thought of something.

How often do I do this to God during prayer?

Stunning. I was baffled at the mere concept of it. God wants an open, honest, continuous relationship with me. He has opened the lines of communication by offering His son to die for my sins, who rose from the dead and provided a chance at eternal life spent with Him. All of this is at my fingertips, but so many times I start my prayer immediately with something like, "Hey God, don't forget about my school bills, okay? And remember...I really want a new car. That would be nice. Getting through this semester with straight A's would be fantastic too. Well, thanks for listening, see ya tomorrow." WHAT?! Really? Is that really the conversation my Savior deserves?

Yes, He wants to know my desires. Yes, He wants to know what's on my heart and what I just need to vent about. But do I take the time to thank Him for always being there? Do I praise Him for what He has done, and return the "greeting" that He has given to me? Do I thank Him for the privilege of waking up every morning and being able to roll out of bed on two good feet; do I take note of the good night whisper of a sunset, and the morning glory of the sunrise; do I take a minute to remember all the fantastic things He has accomplished in my life in the last week? No, not as much as I should. For that I am ashamed.

Lord, forgive me for neglecting such an important aspect of our relationship. Remind me daily that I need to take conversations with You more contemplatively and thankfully; help me not to simply rattle off a couple requests and be on my way. I love You and truly desire that most intimate relationship with You alone. Amen.